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Lure Review

A Collectible and Fishable Finesse Cranking Dynamo, the Megabass Cyclone SR-X

Date: 4/15/05
Tackle type: Lures
Manufacturer: Megabass USA
Reviewer: Cal

Total Score: 8.83

Introduction: In January of this year, we previewed the debut of Megabass USA, the US division of Megabass, and their intent to make more accessible, the entirety of this Japanese Tackle Giant's offering. We are pleased to bring to you now, the first in a series of planned reviews on their hardbodied baits: the Megabass Cyclone SR-X.

Megabass Cyclone SR-X Specifications

Type Crankbait
Depth 0-4 ft
Class Floating, Shallow Crank (no rattles)
Size 2 7/8" (3/8 oz)
Colors/Patterns Approximately 24 different colors
Hook Sizes 4 in front / 6 in back
MSRP $25.50


Impressions: At first glance, the Megabass Cyclone SR-X may seem like your average run of the mill, high priced plastic crank from Japan: The hooks are impressively sharp, colors are vibrant and unique, and the detailing exquisite. Take the lure out of the package for a closer look and one finds there are openings in the mouth connected to similar openings behind the gills and under the eye. Flip the lure over onto its back and reveal yet another water chamber of sorts that resembles the scoop for a jet turbine engine. Move it around and something seems to be missing - rattles. There are no rattles in this plastic lure - how odd. This is definitely NOT your run of the mill crankbait.

Megabass inscribes the year of manufacture, model, and weight descriptions on all of their lures - a convenient perk after all the packaging and other materials are long gone

Field Tests: As a precaution against an unexpected hit from an immobile subsurface ensnarement, we replaced the stock hook split rings on our Cyclone with luresavers. We then tied our Cyclone SR-X to the end of our 12 pound Yozuri Hybrid line spooled onto a Conquest 51 which was in turn mounted on the reel seat of a Kistler Helium He76MC, and took to our local bass waters for some tests.


Megabass spares no expense during the detailing of their lures

Casting: Even at a mere three eighths of an ounce, the Cyclone SR-X casted easily and effortlessly on our test rig. At the bottom of each lure encased within the body is a fixed, flat, rectangular counterweight which helps balance the lure properly during casts. We had little difficulty placing our crank at or beyond any of our intended targets.


Quality hooks come standard with this Megabass lure

Retrieving: The Cyclone SR-X has a fairly pronounced wobble in the water that results in a good vibration that you can feel down the length of the rod during your retrieve. All of our test baits dove instantly once we began our retrieve and ran true out of the box. While the Cyclone can be retrieved at pretty much any speed without fouling, we found a medium, stop and go retrieve worked best for us when fishing this lure.


Close up views of the unique detailing and internal water chambers of the

Cyclone SR-X

Application: The SR-X designation on Megabass lures indicates a shallow running crank. The Cyclone SR-X dives to an approximate depth of 4 feet depending on the speed of your retrieve and diameter of line. Our baits ran to that approximate depth during our tests and rose slowly to the surface when we paused our retrieve. Weedlessness is average for this crank as we did manage to get it bogged down on occasion fishing it through patches of weed growth. On other occasions, we were able to rip it free of the weeds and continue with our retrieve unencumbered by the green gunk.


This chunky four pound bass fell victim to our Cyclone SR-X on one of those "tough" days on the water


Durability: As painful as it was to chuck this $25 lure up against the shore and onto rocks, concrete, and rip rap, we did so in an effort to gauge the durability of the Cyclone's finish. While our baits hardly emerged unscathed, we were pleasantly surprised that damage was pretty minimal. Nor did we discover any cracks in the body of our lures.


Whether you fish it or put it on display, the Cyclone SR-X is certain to put a smile on your face as well

Effectiveness: Touted by Megabass as a "screaming" lure producing underwater sound and vibration surpassing that of even hand carved wood baits, we found the Cyclone SR-X a very effective bait. We fished it both, during times when the bass seemed indiscrimintory and at other times when bass seemed to have a serious case of lockjaw. Just like many hand carved wood baits, we found it caught fish in all these situations and were impressed by its effectiveness.


Cyclone SR-X Ratings (?/10)

Construction/Quality Solidly crafted 10
Performance A finesse crank with some muscle, this bait is quite effective even when the bite is tough 9
Price Quite an impressive price tag on this lure. 6
Features Internal water chambers for added vibration, top quality hooks and superb finish 9
Design Attention to detail at every turn from the engraved scale pattern to the lifelike bulging eyes to the articulated gill plates 10
Application Quite an effective lure in shallow water pressure applications. 9

Total Score


Pluses and Minuses:

                 Plus                                    Minus

J Unbelievable finishes and attention to detail L Very expensive
J Absence of rattles make this an effective finesse crank L Stock luresavers would make this bait easier to throw
J Unique, internal water chambers creating fish calling vibration and sound  
J Very sharp stock hooks  

Conclusion: At over $25 a pop we weren't sure whether to put these baits on display in our trophy case or stow them away somewhere for safe keeping. It wasn't easy tying these expensive little gems to the end of our line and casting them into the murky depths of our local bass waters, but we're glad we did. The Cyclone SR-X from Megabass is not only a supremely detailed, uniquely designed, and carefully crafted work of art, it's a very effective little crank sure to catch not only the discriminating angler, but also some nice bass for those with the courage to chuck it out and take it for a whirl. Until next time, keep collecting!









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