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Lure Preview

Meet the Berkley Powerbait Chigger Craw, the bait that helped win the Bassmaster Classic

Date: 3/08/07
Tackle type: Lures
Manufacturer: Berkley
Reviewer: JIP

Introduction: Right before the Bassmaster Classic on Lay Lake in Birmingham Alabama began Berkley introduced a new plastic to the public that was designed to help professional anglers win at the big event. Professional anglers such as Boyd Duckett, Mike Iaconelli, Skeet Reese, and Kevin Wirth used the new Berkley PowerBait Chigger Craw at this event.


Introducing the Berkley PowerBait Chigger Craw

The Lure: This lure was put together to help the pros at the Classic but it was also designed with the intention to be effective in waters throughout the country. At the Fred Hall San Francisco consumer fishing show we spoke to “The Fishing Instructor,” professional angler and guide, Randy Pringle, and professional angler Mark Naillon who explained to us the design and action one can expect from the PowerBait Chigger Craw.


Pro angler Randy Pringle shows us how to rig the Chigger Craw


Before you can use a plastic lure it must come undamaged. Some plastics that have appendages come distorted because how they rest in packages, but Berkley PowerBait takes care of this issue by connecting the two claws together. Though connected you simple pull the two claws away from each other before use and the claws will now be independent of each other.


Look how perfect a 4/0 hook matches the size of the Chigger Craw


Rig the plastic like any other


The final steps in rigging the Craw with the hook


As the claws on the Chigger Craw creates a back pedal-like motion when lured on a Texas rig, the legs, which are designed to be a specific length for performance reasons, create additional attractive motion to entice strikes from bass. Aside from its actions the plastic lure is also scented with a powerful PowerBait scent that makes the fish hold onto the Chigger Craw longer for better hooksets.


Tuck the point of the hook right beneath the surface of the bait for a weedless application


The Success Story: Now that the Bassmaster Classic is over we know how effective the Powerbait Chigger Craw can be because it helped Classic Champion Boyd Duckett land some of his biggest fish of the tournament.


When sitting on the bottom of the lake or when lured the claws of the Chigger Craw will produce much action


Boyd Duckett said, "I could see them, but they weren't interested in the crankbait. Plus, I figured they weren't big enough to win on anyway. So I flipped the Berkley PowerBait Chigger Craw, Texas rigged, on a heavy 1-ounce tungsten weight and a 5/0 hook. I was fishing it with 65-pound Stren Super Braid on an Abu Garcia REVO reel. With the sun also came the wind, and it pushed those mats and other vegetation in very tight so I needed a heavy weight to punch through the cover to get to the big largemouth that were shading underneath. The Chigger Craw caught the two biggest bass of the tournament, including the 6 pound, 9 ounce hawg that I boated with less than an hour left in day three the eventual tournament winner."


Seven plastics per bag


Randy Pringle and Mark Naillon introduces us to the Chigger Craw at the Fred Hall show


Conclusion: Each year right before the big Classic Berkley releases a few new baits that year after year have proven to be a great success to the pros fishing in these prestigious tournaments. The Berkley PowerBait Chigger Craw that helped Classic winner Boyd Duckett land some of his biggest bass during the tournament, is one such bait. The Chigger Craw comes in only four inches in size and is perfect when rigged with a 4/0 or 5/0 hook. It comes in many popular colors such as black blue fleck, black red fleck, watermelon, and more. A pack of plastic includes seven (7) Chigger Craws and retails for $3.49, and is now available in stores. This Classic winning lure will surely be a hot item for those looking for a new bait this season.









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