A.C. Real
Trout Specifications |
Type |
plug |
Material |
body, soft plastic tail |
Colors/Patterns |
available |
Sizes |
7, 9 inches |
$29.99 - $41.99 |

Say hello to the newest Allan Cole
creation, the A.C. Real Trout
The original A.C. Plug imitates large baitfish
with a deadly swimming action that comes from its hand-crafted design. This
patented plug started the "swimbait" revolution back in the '80s and continues
to produce world class stripers, lake trout, and largemouth bass.
(click here to find out
more) This lure was
used to capture over 15 world records, and still delivers fish big enough for
the record books. Its no wonder why there are so many imitations, and with the
California swimbait craze the demand for big plugs is greater than ever. A.C.
Plugs could have produced a completely new lure, but they stayed true to their
winning design and tweaked the original to create the Real Trout. The Real Trout
looks and feels like a handmade lure, and it really is. Every single A.C. Plug,
including the new Real Trout is hand made by Allan Cole himself! When I first
examined the rainbow pattern Real Trout I was impressed with the artful design
of the lure. The lure is hand carved and the hand painted exterior is quite
artful, but the eyes seem a bit unnaturally large. While the lure doesn't look
stunningly real, it certainly does look like a collectors piece. It is however
the most detailed of the A.C. Plugs, and has a more lifelike body shape and
features juvenile parr marks and striations just like those found on actual
Complete Rig
for A.C. Real Trout Tests |
Rod |
GLoomis Muskie MUR844C |
Reel |
Shimano Calcutta 250 |
Line |
lb. Big Game |
World Tests: We tested the Real Trout
on two species, largemouth bass and striped bass. We fished both a 7 inch golden
rainbow and 9 inch traditional rainbow pattern in relatively clear water.
Because the 9" A.C. Real Trout is such a big lure we opted to use a full-bodied
GLoomis Muskie rod as our catapult.

The Real Trout features a more
robust body and a more detailed paint job than most of the other A.C. Plugs
Design: The Real Trout looks
like an adaptation of the A.C. Minnow, and while they both have a plastic bill
to aid in swimming the Real Trout features a much more realistic profile. The
lure is jointed in the center and a plastic tail is securely pinned to the back
of the lure. The best way I can describe the finish is "distinctive." Each and
every lure is hand painted by Allan Cole, and each is unique. While they may not
look ultra realistic compared to the photo finishes on some of the swimbaits
available, the A.C. plug's colors do look quite realistic. With over 5 layers of
paint the lures take on a unique multi-layered sheen, one that looks even more
convincing when the lure is wet. Each lure comes armed with high quality Owner
hooks, no sharpening required here.

The Real Trout has a breathtaking
action once retrieved, and swings side to side with a lifelike tail whipping
Casting: Get yourself a nice strong rod, the longer the better.
Casting the 9" A.C. Plug gets tiring real quick if you don't use a rod with
enough backbone. If you are a saltwater angler you may even want to try some of
your fiberglass rods for this application. If you are fishing from a boat a
shorter 7 foot rod will suffice, but from shore an 8 foot rod will help you put
some distance between you and each cast. Also make sure to use at least 20lb
line for these lures, the last thing you want is to lose your lure to that
possible fish of a lifetime. If you are a bass angler and don't have a beef
stick of any kind your biggest flipping stick will suffice. Casting the
Real Trout was easy with a strong rod, and the
sky's the limit in terms of distance.

We also tested a golden trout
variation, notice the detail of the multi-layered paint job
Retrieving: During our tests we fished the
Real Trout deep and on the surface, and we were
able to do both with success. Left alone the lure will float on the surface, and
you can twitch your rod tip forward and cause the Real Trout to splash about
like a wounded fish. This works well late in the evening or even at night.
But what I liked best was to retrieve the Real Trout at a slow rate, when doing
this the lure truly comes to life. The seductive snakelike motion of the
original A.C. plug has translated nicely to the Real Trout. The lure slinks back
and forth in a tight swimming pattern that displaces water back and forth from
the head all the way back to the tail. A faster retrieve can cause the lure to
dive deeper, but the motion remains exceptional. The lure is capable of going a
bit deeper than most surface plugs, offering some versatility over pure surface
plugs. In very clear water we sometimes observed bass rise up and charge the
lure, sometimes they would strike the tail, but in most cases they would slam
the lure's main body with complete commitment. I can't describe how exciting it
is to see even small bass rise up and slam this behemoth of a lure. While the
Real Trout is designed to be a big fish lure, medium sized bass that are
accustomed to taking on stocker trout will not hesitate to assail the Real Trout
as well.

When left to rest the lure will
float, and can be twitched on the surface
Trolling: During our striper tests
the wind started getting real nasty and we had trouble holding the boat while
fishing. Rather than call it a day we opted to make use of the downriggers on
our Boston Whaler. The Real Trout trolls
very well, and I think that it actually
trolls better than the original A.C. Plug because of the bill which allows the
lure to deliver more realistic action at all speeds. I believe that the
Real Trout is aptly named, not because it looks
extremely lifelike, but because it does deliver an undeniably lively action.
Trolling was most effective for stripers, but I imagine that this technique can
be employed for bass as well, with or without use of a downrigger.

Fish of all
sizes will attack the A.C. Real Trout, especially if the fish are used to
taking on stocked bows |
Durability: I have had experience with a number of trout plugs that seem to
last only a few trips before the paint starts to flake off. The
Real Trout features a multi-layer treatment which
is actually quite durable. The only area that is prone to wear and tear is the
joint which does scratch up. The scratches on the Real Trout are not nearly as
noticeable as the damage on other jointed trout plugs I have tested, the reason
being that the angles are so aggressively cut that the areas that come in
contact during the retrieve are actually on the inside of the lure. The hooks
are quality Owners, and stayed sharp even through all the stripers. I usually
have to change out the hooks on my big fish lures, but these withstood the
punishment of our tests. The only area that I can foresee potential problems
down the road is the swimbait tail, which didn't take any damage in our tests,
but I envision it will be somewhat challenging to change should it ever break.