Getting to know glass all over again, the
Lamiglas Skeet Reese Cranking Stick

Retrieving: The SR705R
has surprisingly little bend for a glass rod, yet has that unmistakable
forgiving fiberglass feel. While only the tip section actually bends, the
overall rod feels soft and yet crisp on the retrieve at the same time.

rod casted well, but if you want more distance there is a 7'6" model as well
This rod really is ideal when targeting larger fish, or when fishing extremely
heavy weeded areas, where it is very important to get the fish's head up
quickly. This rod has the muscle and durability of fiberglass with a sensitivity
that is closer to that of graphite.

Alconite guides line this rod
Sensitivity: In terms of sensitivity the SR705R is better than most glass
rods I have fished thanks to a thinner and more advanced wrap, but it still
falls short of a graphite rod. When it comes to sensitivity graphite still
reigns supreme, but overall the SR705R offers a surprisingly good blend of
characteristics more akin to a hybrid rod than a pure fiberglass stick.

A hookhanger is
placed above the
Durability: In
terms of durability the
SR705R really shines.
Fiberglass is much
more durable than
graphite, and both
during transport and
while fishing you know
this rod is not going to

tip on this rod has all the action
I was
able to whale massive baits without fear, I even whipped around some huge
swimbaits to see if the fast action tip was up to the challenge….no problem at
all. When a fish is on the line even high sticking does little to stress this
rod, and it offers plenty of muscle for all normal fishing.

loaded up it is easy to see the tip at work on this fast action rod
Price & Applications: Though primarily designed for
cranking and fishing jerkbaits the SR705R proved to be a pretty talented rod
overall. The rod was good for pulling oversized spinnerbaits through the
thickest vegetation, and I also found the rod good for large topwater plugs when
targeting stripers. When you get into larger fish the fiberglass does inspire
more confidence than graphite, and you can really muscle fish in as long as you
are using a thick enough line.

may be designed for serious cranking but this rod makes a great spinnerbait
stick too
The 7
foot length was great for a wide range of lures and applications, but if you
absolutely need more casting distance Lamiglas also offers the SR765R which is
slightly more robust, has an additional six inches, and a fast/medium action.

Running blades deep over a point
Next Section: Give me the breakdown

