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Lure Review

Nothing Yet, to Scare the Competition: The Fish Arrow Spooky Jack (continued)

Retrieving: The Fish Arrow Spooky Jack is very reminiscent of most other double joined, hard bodied swimbaits in that it swims with a very natural motion back to the boat on a steady retrieve. On a slack line pause, it will turn one-hundred-eighty degrees and stare down any would be pursuers. It sinks at a rate of approximately one foot every two seconds and has a slight, head down angle when descending.

The lustrous finish of our Spooky Jack in Red Ayu

This finish deserves another look


I found it best to retrieve the Spooky Jack as slowly as you could bare it. It does not do well at high speeds as it will drift or wobble excessively if brought back too fast. Excessive pauses, or twitches and jerks will give the front hooks a good chance to catch your line and foul the bait as well. Nope, I found the best way to retrieve this bait was simply to hunker down, and turn the handle of the reel very slowly.


The tail section is held in place by two wooden dowels

Replacement tails are available


A look at the other side of the tail section


Durability: If there's a knock on this bait its the durability of its finish. The paint job on our one lure was simply incredible but it just does not hold up very well to continued use. The first signs of wear show up at the bait's joints. We then had further signs of wear at the bottom of the lure where a crack developed all the way down the length of the lure. Although all other factors of the bait from the tail, to the eyes, to the hooks held up fine, the lack of durability in the baits finish was very disappointing.


The head detail of the Spooky Jack is very good

The Spooky Jack is a sinking lure



Next Section: Versatility and ratings 









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